• First 24 Health Digital Token (Demo)

  • New York, NY, USA
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First24Health® Urgent Healthcare Solutions

Urgent Care is large (approximately 20%) and rapidly growing (10% per year) component of primary healthcare in the US. As Urgent Care is growing at four times the rate of scheduled clinics, the share of the primary care visits over the next 10 years is expected to shift dramatically.

Urgent Care volume growth in the US outstrips Emergency Room (ER) claims at a rate of 1,725% - a growth rate more than seven times from 2008 – 2017.

The Urgent Care Market
In 2017 Health Systems Advisors commissioned a study of the current national Urgent Care utilization and unmet demand. They found and estimated 25% unmet need for Urgent Care in US markets where Urgent Care sites could be financially viable.

The unmet need is so large that approximately 1,600 new Urgent Care sites can be supported generating
nearly $3.5 billion in revenue.

Healthcare System Growth
First24Health's intention is to provide US consumers with efficient, convenient, quality urgent healthcare and preventative wellness services including urgent care, burns & wound care, nutricare (obesity prevention), telehealth, women's health (obstetrics & gynecology) and performance health (stress management).

The development of the First24Health business model begins with an analysis of the US market. Market demographics, projected volumes, and financial projections will help define service demands and the location that will best serve the community and ensure success in the market.

Partnering with community based doctor’s, medical professionals and ancillary services form part of the success of the First24Health business model.

As part of the growth model First24Health intends acquiring existing Urgent Care facilities and rebranding under First24Health.

When properly positioned, these facilities have demonstrated ability to alleviate capacity issues in existing Hospital ER’s, extend services into underserved areas and increase market share.

First24Health® Urgent Care Business Opportunity

Company Info

First24Health® Urgent Healthcare Solutions

First 24 Health Inc. is an unlisted private company incorporated in Delaware.

First24Health's intention is to provide US consumers with efficient, convenient, quality urgent healthcare and preventative wellness services including urgent care, burns & wound care, nutricare (obesity prevention), telehealth, women's health (obstetrics & gynecology) and performance health (stress management).

The First24Health model will be able to provide care and monitoring to a large contingent of the US population.

The First24Health team has a proven track record in healthcare and turnkey real estate development including strategic and operational planning, site selection, and development.

First24Health offers a dual share structure for investing.

Investment Highlights

First24Health® Urgent Healthcare Solutions
 Strategic Plan

Understanding the US market, demographics and operational approach is essential to the
success of the First24Health healthcare and preventative wellness model.

There are three main reasons to consider adding First24Health facilities to the healthcare system:
  • capture or increase market share by selecting locations in underserved US communities
  • alleviate overcrowding in the existing Emergency Department
  • establish a building block for a future hospital campus

Community Needs
Speed to market and educating the community on the different levels of urgent healthcare and preventative wellness available to them are vital for the growth and expansion of the First24Health urgent healthcare and preventative wellness model and the healthcare system in the US markets.

First24Health facilities will be strategically placed throughout the US to target select patient populations such as pediatrics and/ or geriatrics & can be developed in conjunction with retirement / assisted living facilities.

Business Case
The development of the First24Health business model begins with an analysis of the US market.

Market demographics, projected volumes, and financial projections will help define service demands and the location that will best serve the community and ensure success in the market.

Partnering with community based doctor’s, medical professionals and ancillary services form part of the success of the First24Health business model.

As part of the growth model First24Health intends acquiring existing Urgent Care facilities and rebranding under the First24Health brand.

Operational Model
The required programmatic elements of an First24Health facility will vary from location to location, based on demand but generally will include:
  • treatment bays
  • trauma room
  • general radiography
  • CT lab
  • pharmacy

First24Health facilities will have many advantages, such as dedicated lab and imaging, which allows optimisation of patient throughput.

First24Health® Business Model  

Financial Snapshot



Financial Highlights


Project Title Document Title Action
First 24 Health Digital Token (Demo) Purchase Agreement Download
First 24 Health Digital Token (Demo) Download

Investment Location


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Urgent Care is large (approximately 20%) and rapidly growing (10% per year) component of primary healthcare in the US. As Urgent Care is growing at four times the rate of scheduled clinics, the share of the primary care visits over the next 10 years is expected to shift dramatically.


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Invest Now

$200 of $4,000,000

Invest Summary

  • Deal Type: Convertible Note
  • Sponsor: First 24 Health Inc.
  • Hold Period: 2 YR.
  • Investor Yield: 15%
  • Funding Goal:$4,000,000
  • Investment Type: Healthcare
  • Min. Investment: $200
  • First 24 Health Deck 2019
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